The main activities of the Department for 2016


The Committee of industrial experts in the petroleum technology department


In order to review the performance of the department and provide advices in terms of curriculum and determining labor market requirements in accordance with the requirements of the global reliability (ABET), the petroleum technology department held the committee meeting of industrial experts on Monday 20/06/2016 in the Departmental Council Hall.

The meeting was chaired by head of the petroleum technology department, Prof. Mohammed Saleh Al-Jawad, and attended by Dr. Abdelali Aldbaj/ oil minister counselor, Dr. Ihsan Al-Attar/ of the Economic Directorate, Mr. Hikmat Jaafar/ for Midland Refineries Company as well as professors of the department.

During the meeting, the department performance presentation was given by the Director of the Quality Division, Asst. Prof. Laila Latif, for the academic year 2015/2016, which included: an introduction section, the goals of the department and courses, the curriculum of the branch of petroleum engineering, laboratories and the types of experiments, scientific trips, the summer training, evaluations of students for the program and its objectives in addition to student outcomes.

The industrial experts have expressed constructive suggestions about the educational program objectives, outputs and curriculum and fundamentals and sequencing in grades and the importance of scientific trips and summer training for students in the department.